Performance Opportunities
Performing for an audience is an essential part of the dance experience. We strive to offer more than just a single performance opportunity each season.
Spring Gala Performance
Early June
Our biggest annual celebration of our students’ accomplishments! Dancers from all of our programs perform for parents and friends in a professional theatre with full costumes, lighting design, and music.
Eligibility: Dance With Me, Petite Feet, Dance Club, Jr Crew/Petite Company, DDC Performance Company, Worthington Conservatory of Ballet
Deadline to join: January 15th every season

Early December
A beloved story told world-wide. Our take on this holiday classic showcases all of our dance styles. This is a collaborative production featuring dancers from professional companies as well as students.
Eligibility: All dancers ages 5+ can sign up. No audition required.
Dancers must be enrolled in at least 1 class during fall semester to participate.
Deadline to join: Sept 4th, 2021
Auditions for lead roles and solos are held in July.
Dancers from all studios are welcome to audition.
Student Choreography Showcase
Creative works from the minds of our students in an intimate setting, our most unique production. Students create and produce pieces from start to finish under the guidance of our teaching staff. They select music, costumes, create choreography and design lighting.
Eligibility: Performance Company (ages 10+), Worthington Conservatory of Ballet
Must attend summer choreography intensive in August.
Work in progress video must be submitted October 1st/approved by teaching faculty

Community Performances
Throughout the year
Our dancers perform at festivals, community events, sporting events etc.
Eligibility: Jr Crew/Petite Company, Performance Company, Worthington Conservatory of Ballet